Member Conduct Code
Epic Game | Community rules
We aim for all members of the Epic Game community to have an welcoming environment, for both gaming and conversations with others, on the platform.Please assist us in maintaining this atmosphere.
These guidelines apply to all Epic Game users in games and services. Outline how to interact respectfully with others, in the community without covering every possible situation, in detail.
Adhering to guidelines is quite straightforward;. Straying from them could result in outcomes such, as enduring bans.
Community Rules
- Please refrain from disclosing the information of users, including any private details and its advisable to safeguard your own information as well.
- Epic Game is committed to promoting equality and inclusivity by refusing to accept any acts of hate or discrimination, in any shape or form.
- Please be respectful when chatting or playing and avoid impersonating players or famous individuals while interacting online or, in gaming sessions, with Epic Game staff members.
- Make sure to play fair and follow the rules. Don't cheat or harass others by using loopholes or teaming up unfairly to gain an advantage from mistakes made by the developers.
- Avoid engaging in dangerous activities and refrain from promoting or participating in behaviors within the Epic Games platform environment as it is important to maintain a positive and respectful tone, in all communications and content shared.
- Penalties are assessed based on the violation. May differ in terms of seriousness.
- If you come across a user violating the Community Rules or Content Guidelines in the gamespeak up by using the reporting system provided within the game itself.
- Safety: Guard your personal info vigilantly.
Please be aware that the guidelines, for the Epic Game Community could change over time; therefore it's important to stay informed and vigilant as we come together to have a good time gaming!
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